Workout Management
→ Done Better

Alanda Pro is a free, user-friendly gym workout app offering personalized plans, progress tracking, and an intuitive interface for an enhanced workout experience!

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Embraced by Many
"Alanda Pro transformed my fitness routine! Personalized plans and easy progress tracking make it a must-have for goal-driven workouts."

- Adam P.
"Alanda Pro's intuitive design and effective workout management set it apart. Personalized plans and seamless progress tracking elevate the gym experience."

- Ethan H.

Tons of Features
Available on many different platforms
We made our our program available on all major platforms to make sure you can access your workouts anywhere!
Auto Generated Workout Reports
You can generate reports that compares your past workouts to your newest ones. This allows you too see how much you've improved!
Easily Store Multiple Workouts
We made our interface as easy as possible to store and sort your workouts!

Note: This website and app are still in beta. Things might not work as expected